tag: daffodils ×12


Cornwall’s Varfell Farms doesn’t have enough pickers as Cornish workers don’t last.
UK immigration curbs on pickers has benefited Irish growers in a seasonal industry.
The world's largest daffodil grower says it has been forced to let hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of flowers rot – as it can't get pickers due to Brexit.
Fields of flowers worth hundreds of thousands of pounds are being left to rot in Cornwall.
A major daffodil grower in the fens say they only have a fifth of their usual number of pickers this year because of Brexit.
Flower growers fear end of the UK’s £100m industry as Covid and border restrictions lead to lack of seasonal workers.
Dear Reader, please look away now if you cannot bear any more about the negative effects flowing from the 2016 Referendum decision to withdraw from the European Union.


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